DID YOU KNOW? This is the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem, the same gate Jesus (Yeshua) entered approx 30 AD. And Ezek 43:1-4 gives the prophecy that Jesus the Messiah will make his return at the 2nd Coming in by this same gate. Muslim conquerors of the Ottoman Turks not knowing much more about the Prophecy than what I've just shared, sealed up the gate (as seen in photo) around 1530 AD in effort to prevent prophecy fulfillment. What they didn't know is that even their actions of "sealing" this gate was "fulfilling" prophecy in Ezek 44:1-3 Then *God brought me back by way of the gate.. which looketh toward the east & it was shut. He said to me; This gate shall be shut, it shall not be opened & no man shall enter in by it; because the Lord hath entered by it, therefore it shall be shut. The prince.. shall enter by the way of that gate, by way of the same (as before)."
Now, Ottoman Turk Muslims "sealed" the gate, but look closely in the photo to what "some" Orthodox Jews did in attempt to prevent Jesus' claim as Messiah from re-entering by the gate.. they allowed a Muslim cemetery to be placed right in front of the entrance. Why? Because the law (Torah) teaches that a true "High Priest" cannot be defiled by anything "dead" including burial places of the dead & there are those select Jewish Orthodoxy who cling closer to the Talmud than the Torah. Repeated attempts have been plotted to blow away this gate but all have been successfully foiled in ways that the IDF will not disclose, as far back as the era of the 6-day war.
So when you look at this Eastern Gate, whether in-person or by photo.. Know that even when "enemies of God's Truth" have tried to prevent prophecy fulfillment, they actually helped further it's fulfillment. And when they've tried to undo "their mistake" they have failed. As you can see, just as prophecy promised, the Eastern Gate remains to be sealed AND IT SHALL until the day of Christ's Return.. & on that day, NOTHING shall prevent Him from entering in by the same gate as He did before. Mankind cannot speed up or slow down, Bible Prophecy fulfillment. It's just ONE MORE PROOF of countless, that the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation is the divinely-inspired Word of Almighty God! They say a picture speaks a THOUSAND words.. I say, that THIS PICTURE speaks a MILLION, maybe more!! Praise GOD!!! #BibleProphecy
With all the evil things going on in the world lately, let this serve as a reminder that God keeps his covenants and fulfills his promises!! Watch as an ancient river is reborn in about 2 minutes in the heat of a dry, Israel Desert, just as Prophesied in Isaiah 43:19 "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." Trust that a Red Sea moment is just around the bend.. What a Awesome God! (have some more thoughts on this I'll add in comments)
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Footage collected a while ago of a dry riverbed spring back to life after centuries in the Negev Desert of Israel, near the Ramon Crater. The Prophet Isaiah said this in Isaiah 43:19 "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."
This site is in the region referred in scripture as Beersheba, which means "Well of Seven." Abraham called the place Beersheba because it was there that he entered a covenant agreement for a well of water for posterity and marked the event by offering seven lambs.
Years later, Philistines buried the well because it was dry but Abraham's son, Isaac, came to reclaim the well and water began to flow for him again. The Philistines wanted the well for themselves once water sprang up for Isaac so they took it and Isaac moved a short distance down and claimed another spot in which a well sprang up. Each time Isaac allowed the Philistines to take possession of a well,...
One day a young man got a letter from an attorney stating his grandmother left an inheritance for him. To his astonishment, it was $50,000 as well as "my Bible & all it contains." He was thrilled to get the $$$, however, he knew what the Bible contained & because he rejected religion he wouldn't open it, but put it up on a high shelf. He lost the money gambling & the next 50 yrs he lived as a beggar, scraping for every meal. Eventually he became so destitute that he had to move out of his house. As he cleaned out his room he reached up to get the old Bible he'd stored away on a high shelf & as he took it down it fell on the floor open, revealing a $100 bill between every page. He'd lived as a beggar all because of his own prejudice & disregard to His Creator.. all while thinking he knew what the Bible "contained." Hosea 4:6 says My people perish for a lack of knowledge.
Keep your head up & your faith strong!
-Pastor Kenny