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Flying Caterpillars

The Mystery of How God Can Change You:

Though most of us know -- still how soon we forget what we're really looking at when we see the fluttering, colorful wings of the butterfly.. that it is indeed a worm that's undergone radical transformation. Transformation or "metamorphosis" is the simplest segment of the caterpillar/butterfly's life, it's actually the worm's survival UP TO and AFTER it's metamorphosis that poses challenge. Even the shortest distances are a long, long journey to the tiny caterpillar but it must find a large plant or small to medium-size tree to reside & spin it's cocoon for it's trans-formative experience to morph into a creature with more liberties. For days or even weeks, inch by inch the worm crawls to the place it's determined to perch thru the cycle of transforming.. it takes alot of time & energy as it works it's way up the plant/tree, and all while having to avoid becoming another's prey.
Now, think with me for just a moment of how this relates in real life application. Like the worm, we have a purpose from the beginning but it doesn't mean we're yet serving that purpose. I can think of very little purpose that the caterpillar serves before transforming aside from being good fish bait, but as a butterfly it's both a creature of beauty and of productive purpose as it services flowers & plants for growth, while as a caterpillar it destructively eats them instead. We share the similarity with these "flying caterpillars" called butterflies in that we have a productive purpose in life but it requires some perseverance, climbing & transformation to obtain it. God equipped with all the tools we need and they break forth when we get in the right position and the right TIME has come! Romans 12:2 says "And be not CONFORMED to this world but be ye TRANSFORMED by the renewal of your mind, so you may prove the good, acceptable and perfect will of God for your life."
The next time you look at a butterfly, think of what it might say if you could ask it if the transformation was worth it.. I can't imagine it think not. Tho the caterpillar took a long while to crawl a short distance, after that it broke free from it's cocoon with bright colorful wings, it didn't have to go back by the same way it came.. it's day's of crawling were over. It climbed exhaustively to get where it is, but now with very little effort and hardly any time it can travel distances it could never dream. Scripture says "We're born in sin, shaped in iniquity" for sake of my point let's allow that to define us as the worm. But fortunately, God made us capable of so much more.. and He not only sees us as we are now but also as we are at our fullest potential. His will for all is that we find our higher purpose in life.. a purpose that's hidden in Him. "Set your affections on things above..." so set them higher.. spread your wings.. learn to crawl, persevere, avoid entrapments of the enemy who would love to destroy you.. and position yourself in the rightful place God's preserved for you in His will so you can transform in the time & season.. God will make you a creature of greater purpose that others can find inspiration to find their own trans-formative experience in God your Creator. There is wings inside the worm.. and God sees them because He put them there.. just believe, embrace it and chase it! -Pastor Kenny Griffin

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With all the evil things going on in the world lately, let this serve as a reminder that God keeps his covenants and fulfills his promises!! Watch as an ancient river is reborn in about 2 minutes in the heat of a dry, Israel Desert, just as Prophesied in Isaiah 43:19 "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." Trust that a Red Sea moment is just around the bend.. What a Awesome God! (have some more thoughts on this I'll add in comments)


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One day a young man got a letter from an attorney stating his grandmother left an inheritance for him. To his astonishment, it was $50,000 as well as "my Bible & all it contains." He was thrilled to get the $$$, however, he knew what the Bible contained & because he rejected religion he wouldn't open it, but put it up on a high shelf. He lost the money gambling & the next 50 yrs he lived as a beggar, scraping for every meal. Eventually he became so destitute that he had to move out of his house. As he cleaned out his room he reached up to get the old Bible he'd stored away on a high shelf & as he took it down it fell on the floor open, revealing a $100 bill between every page. He'd lived as a beggar all because of his own prejudice & disregard to His Creator.. all while thinking he knew what the Bible "contained." Hosea 4:6 says My people perish for a lack of knowledge.

Keep your head up & your faith strong!
-Pastor Kenny

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