Today thru medical science & DNA study, we're learning undoubtedly, that GOD knew things about the "Lamb" that til now, was IMPOSSIBLE that ANY "man" could've known.. & yet the Bible is our record that once again, God was telling us all along! There are several reasons why "God" chose the "Lamb" above all other animals as closest comparison to "Christ".. & there's a reason that science can confirm, why GOD preferred the sacrifice of a LAMB in the Old Covenant, above any other animal as a symbolic sacrifice. Here's "some" of what mainstream science has learned about the "Lamb" in recent years:
The first mammal to be successfully cloned & live into adulthood using "human" host cells was a LAMB nicknamed "Dolly." The scientists behind the project found that no other "known" animal shared a closer genetic makeup on a molecular scale, than a lamb.. making it the best viable candidate for success. Something else remarkable about the LAMB is that there are but 2 choice animals that can tolerate almost "any" venomous snakebite.. they are, the horse & the LAMB. This is important because these animals are actually how our "Anti-venoms" are developed to treat humans who become prey to poisonous snakebites. The anti-venom is developed by injecting the snake venom directly into the animal & giving time for their blood to fight it & build up immunity to it. The "immunized blood" is then withdrawn & the necessary elements to create human vaccinations are extracted & dispensed in the lab.. But there's more:
In the early 1980's the FDA outlawed use of horses in development of anti-venom due to the fact that far more horses fail to fight off certain snake venom than do those developed in the bloodstream of a LAMB. To date, the only approved anti-venom in the U.S. for treatment of snakebite are those manufactured in the lab from a LAMB's blood. If that's not enough, read up on a very recent "breakthrough" anti-cancer drug called "Prolarix" developed by Pfizer Pharmaceuticals.. & guess how this soon-to-be "game-changing" drug is being developed...?... You guessed right.. using the LAMB.
It's no wonder that God chose a "lamb" in Old Covenant sacrifice to symbolize "Jesus Christ" who would later broker the New Covenant under the same symbolism of being the "Lamb of God." In the Old Covenant, it now would seem that no other animal could come as close to the sacrifice of a human life than a LAMB, since there's more compatibility between a Lamb's Blood & a Human's.. than any other animal.. yet God did not ask for, nor expect one single human sacrifice aside from His own son.. but temporally accepted the "sacrificial lamb" in Old Testament times in proxy. It's also no wonder that Jesus (Yeshua) the Christ was born in an humble stable, where other lambs likely were held. There's too many parallel's to the medical power in the blood of a natural lamb to that of the Almighty Power in the Pure & Precious Blood of the LAMB OF GOD, for it to be coincidence. To this day, a natural LAMB's blood is used to manufacture anti-venom & perhaps the most effective anti-cancer drug that will hit the shelves.
Since lamb's blood is being used to defeat poison.. cancers.. It's no wonder that John the Baptist said in John 1:29 "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." JESUS.. the only SINLESS Blood Sacrifice, can take away the bite of the snake.. fight & DEFEAT this spiritual cancer we call "SIN." Jesus alone is/was IMMUNE to SIN.. & no other blood will overcome the spiritual death that the poison of sin brings, BUT for the BLOOD of the LAMB of GOD! Worthy, Worthy is the Lamb!
-Kenny Griffin
(some of the sources for my research are in links below for your reference)
With all the evil things going on in the world lately, let this serve as a reminder that God keeps his covenants and fulfills his promises!! Watch as an ancient river is reborn in about 2 minutes in the heat of a dry, Israel Desert, just as Prophesied in Isaiah 43:19 "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." Trust that a Red Sea moment is just around the bend.. What a Awesome God! (have some more thoughts on this I'll add in comments)
New Christian Starter Kit (tons of tools) (
Ever Increasing Faith eBook
Faith That Prevails eBook
The Prayer of Faith eBook
Faith’s Checkbook: 365 Daily Devo
The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer
The Power of the Word of God eBook
How to Study the Bible eBook
20 Minutes a Day Bible Reading Plan
Bible Study Self-Guided Worksheet
Bible Study Notes - Interactive Sheet
Inspiration & Hope Coloring Book
52 Interactive Bible Stories (Awesome)
More resources will be added, ongoing, to strengthen your Shield of Faith & sharpen your Sword of the Spirit!
Footage collected a while ago of a dry riverbed spring back to life after centuries in the Negev Desert of Israel, near the Ramon Crater. The Prophet Isaiah said this in Isaiah 43:19 "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."
This site is in the region referred in scripture as Beersheba, which means "Well of Seven." Abraham called the place Beersheba because it was there that he entered a covenant agreement for a well of water for posterity and marked the event by offering seven lambs.
Years later, Philistines buried the well because it was dry but Abraham's son, Isaac, came to reclaim the well and water began to flow for him again. The Philistines wanted the well for themselves once water sprang up for Isaac so they took it and Isaac moved a short distance down and claimed another spot in which a well sprang up. Each time Isaac allowed the Philistines to take possession of a well,...
One day a young man got a letter from an attorney stating his grandmother left an inheritance for him. To his astonishment, it was $50,000 as well as "my Bible & all it contains." He was thrilled to get the $$$, however, he knew what the Bible contained & because he rejected religion he wouldn't open it, but put it up on a high shelf. He lost the money gambling & the next 50 yrs he lived as a beggar, scraping for every meal. Eventually he became so destitute that he had to move out of his house. As he cleaned out his room he reached up to get the old Bible he'd stored away on a high shelf & as he took it down it fell on the floor open, revealing a $100 bill between every page. He'd lived as a beggar all because of his own prejudice & disregard to His Creator.. all while thinking he knew what the Bible "contained." Hosea 4:6 says My people perish for a lack of knowledge.
Keep your head up & your faith strong!
-Pastor Kenny